设计马拉松问答集 / DDM Questions and Answers
设计马拉松的目的为何?/ What is the purpose of the Design Day Marathon?
Through cutting-edge teaching methods and design tools, Design Day Marathon promotes students to quickly integrate into interdisciplinary knowledge learning, and transforms design teaching into a "learn first, then teach" model through research methods different from traditional ones. Its three purposes are:
1. Explore unconventional design teaching models
Unlike the output of general design courses, the Design Day Marathon takes a very short time to complete the design content produced by a semester. The design course in the past semester has been four months, which includes lengthy design research, design drafts, user research, design results and so on. Students spend a lot of time on design tasks, so they have a looser attitude towards course output, which also leads to the end of the semester is not as comprehensive and complete as expected. Design Day Marathon, as a teaching method to stimulate students' design collaboration, aims to propose preliminary solutions within a limited time, encourage each team to introduce their own solutions during the process, and then evaluate and further study based on criteria such as feasibility and dissemination. In addition, the Design Day Marathon also emphasizes hands-on, aiming to solve practical problems, based on project-based learning, inquiry-based learning and other means, to create characteristic design courses for design students in different fields.
2. Improve students' learning motivation
In the past, students were only comparable to their classmates in their own schools, and it was difficult to have the opportunity to study across schools. The team of the Design Day Marathon comes from the cross-school members after getting through, which will naturally form a good competition mechanism. Because there is competition, there are comparisons. Students at home and abroad who participate in the project can develop a positive attitude through the process of mutual learning and comparison, which can effectively break the comfort zone developed by the students during their studies in their own institutions. In addition, they can discover a lot of After entering the team, the mentality of the trainees has changed, and a strong willingness to work as a team emerges from the process of participating in the team design project. The learning method of the cross-school workshop allows teachers and students from different institutions to break up into the research group, so that the composition of the project team has sufficient diversity, so students can greatly enhance their sense of honor and participation in the process of participating in learning degree, and accelerate the subjective initiative of the students.
3. Better integration into design teaching in an international context
Cross-cultural design problems rarely have a single answer. In most cases, the solution will produce different design solutions according to different regional cultures. The same is true of learning in school, where it is difficult for students to solve global design problems based on their own cultural perspectives and experiences. The Design Day Marathon enables design students from completely different regions to learn from each other in cross-cultural groups and understand global affairs from a new perspective. While strengthening their design skills, students are also naturally integrated into international design. in context. When building a close relationship of teamwork, it helps to develop empathy among the students, so as to better consider the design solutions with diversity and globalization. In addition, since the instructors come from universities around the world, English teaching and workshop reports can help multinational teachers and students understand the cultural differences between themselves and their teammates. The process of outgoing is more macro and comprehensive.
马拉松每年的主题有什么特殊之处?/ What is so special about the annual theme of the marathon?
The theme of the Design Day Marathon is tied to major international events every year. The purpose is to hope that teachers and students can pay more attention to the current social development. These themes range from age-appropriate transformation, closing the digital divide, living and learning during the pandemic, to sustainable development of social well-being, and all trends and hotspots are strongly linked to global dynamics.
设计马拉松工作坊与传统工作坊有何不同?/ How is a Design Day Marathon workshop different from a traditional workshop?
"Marathon", as the name suggests, is a competition. Teams of teachers and students from home and abroad will participate in the competition, and the assigned design tasks will be executed through the competition mechanism. In the Design Day Marathon team, since the instructors are from excellent colleges and universities at home and abroad, and the composition of students is also carefully selected from different excellent colleges and universities, such an international design team arrangement will naturally form a good internal competition mechanism . If there is competition, there will be comparison. Through the arrangement of competition, the Design Day Marathon breaks the comfort zone of most students in their own school, so that the students participating in the activity can generate positive motivation in the competitive design process, and let the students participate in the competition. The whole design process is full of fun during the competition.
Different from the 7-day workshop or the 14-week design course, the Design Day Marathon Workshop provides a moderate, nearly one-month design challenge. The implementation nodes include question opening, mid-term and final defense. The process also refers to the structure of the undergraduate graduation design guidance link. to plan. In short, the Design Day Marathon workshop is a design challenge with the whole process of traditional graduation design. Due to the tight time, the students must produce the results equivalent to the graduation design within one month, which has also become the focus of the students during the implementation process. biggest challenge to face. In addition, the partners of the Design Day Marathon are students from colleges and universities at home and abroad, so that they can not only get acquainted with each other in a cross-cultural context, but also encourage the students to work harder to represent their own colleges and universities, and contribute to the excellent design results jointly produced work together.
设计马拉松工作坊在课题命题上有什么举措?/ What measures does the Design Day Marathon Workshop have on the topic proposition?
The theme of the marathon every year is related to the current social needs. The purpose is to hope that the students can pay more attention to the social and international trends. The topics of concern in past events, ranging from aging-appropriate transformation and elimination of the digital divide, to online living and learning during the epidemic, are all strongly related to the social dynamics at that time. In addition, the design sub-topics around the annual theme also meet the needs of the enterprise as much as possible. Among the topics proposed by the instructors, there are many practical cooperation problems tied to the enterprise, which can help the students to put their The power of design is transferred to the power of internship and work in the company in the future. And in a short period of time to implement the demands of design education, to provide the society with more innovative and practical design services.
设计马拉松的重要合作机构有哪些?/ Who are the important partners of the Design Day Marathon?
International Center for Creativity and Sustainable Development under the auspices of Unesco, China Education Television, Phoenix net,Beijing Design Week,Beijing Design Society,Tencent Social Research Center.
设计马拉松的重要合作院校有哪些?/ Who are the important partner schools of Design Day Marathon?
Politecnico di Milano,Libera Università di lingue e comunicazione IULM MILANO,University of California, Riverside,School of Media, University of Girona, Spain,Kookmin University Institute of Technology Design,School of Design and Built Environment, Curtin University, Australia; School of Architecture, University of Pecs, Hungary; Department of Digital Media, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand; School of Industrial Design, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Department of Industrial Design, School of Mechanical Engineering, Beihang University, School of Digital Media and Design Art, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, School of Architecture and Design, Southwest Jiaotong University, Central Conservatory of Music, School of Art and Design, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing Information Vocational Technology College, Beijing Institute of Graphic Design, Lijiang Institute of Culture and Tourism, Luxun Academy of Fine Arts, School of Art of Nanjing University of Information Technology, School of Industrial Design of Nanjing University of the Arts, School of Literature of Nankai University, School of Art of Sichuan University, Department of Animation Art of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts
设计马拉松的参与学生分布哪些国家地区?/ Which countries are the participating students of the Design Day Marathon?
Mainly distributed in 12 countries, including: China, Indonesia, Greece, the United States, Malaysia, Thailand, the United Kingdom, Australia, South Korea, Russia, Singapore, Portugal, Germany.
我如何访问设计马拉松的官网相关活动网站?/ How do I access the Design Day Marathon's official website related event website?
设计马拉松官网 / Design Day Marathon official website: https://www.designmarathon.cn/
设计马拉松油管频道 / Design Day Marathon YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/DesignMarathon
2021年设计马拉松即兴直播间(美啊)/ 2021 Design Day Marathon Impromptu Live Room (Meia): http://meia.me/course/170175
2020年设计马拉松即兴直播间(美啊)/ 2020 Design Day Marathon Impromptu Live Room (Meia): http://meia.me/course/169968
© 2020 Design Day Marathon
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